September 11, 2009

Procrastination at it's finest :)

I'm supposed to be cutting out millions of giveaways slips. (Maybe not quite a million, but it sure feels like it!) There is a huge local consignment sale this weekend, and I got a booth for my photography business. This is the first time I've done anything like this and I'm nervous/excited. We went last night to set up and I'm happy with how my table turned out. Here is a super quick snapshot:
I felt dumb taking a picture, but I knew my Mom would want to see! Still a few little things we forgot at home that I will add when we get there tonight... Including the mountain of giveaway slips mentioned above :)

I saw this on LuvInTheMommyhood - one of the many blogs I follow - and thought it would be a nice break from cutting. I'm not going to 'tag' anyone, but if you'd like to fill it out, consider yourself tagged. Be sure to send me a link to your blog if you do fill it out!

Making : myself crazy cutting up 40 sheets of giveaway slips
Cooking : nothing for the 3rd night in a row :)
Drinking : grape juice
Reading: Departures - a book I found on the clearance rack at B&N. I don't love it just yet.
Wanting: a new camera
Looking: at my messy living room
Playing: Farkle on facebook because I'm addicted!
Wasting: time
Sewing: nothing at the moment, but several things on the to-do list!
Wishing: Florida wasn't so far away from Kentucky
Enjoying: the quiet
Waiting: for my hubby to get home from work
Liking: how productive I've been the last few days
Wondering: what I should make for lunch
Loving: that my internet is working again
Hoping: for a good turnout at the sale this weekend
Marvelling: at how quickly time has flown by
Needing: more sleep
Smelling: my new candle
Wearing: Pjs!
Following: way too many blogs on Google Reader - I can't catch up!
Noticing: how ruffles seem to be everywhere and on everything this season
Knowing: that's its going to be a busy but fun weekend
Thinking: about going to get my eyebrows waxed today
Bookmarking: nothing yet today - give it time, it's still early
Opening: my photography magazine that came in the mail yesterday
Giggling: at Maggie trying to get comfortable in her blanket
Feeling: excited


HB, The Impulsive Minimalist said...

I just saw your comment on luvinthemommyhood and thought I'd come check you out. Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! Just thought you should know! Too bad you're in KY and I'm in MI!

Happy Friday!


Very Shannon said...

Great answers! Glad you joined in - that was fun! I like getting to know all of you guys! Thanks for being part of the mommyhood :) Your pics are gorgeous!

Wendy Corder said...

Little does Heather know that you make trips to Michigan!

Love the new layout. Love the new post.