October 14, 2009

Lazy & Productive - who knew?

It's been a lazy and productive week, all at the same time. Not sure how that happens, but I like it! I've tackled a mountain of laundry, several loads of dishes, multiple errands and an entire season of Grey's Anatomy. My errands included going to the bank and post office two days in a row because I'm not aware of major(?) holidays. And, ok, if you want to get technical... we watched ALMOST an entire season of Grey's Anatomy. I forgot that Denny died in the last episode of season 2 and I didn't want to be sad for the rest of the week :) Ha! I'm such a dork.

So much has happened between my last post (September 11th!!) and now - my plan to be a better blogger clearly isn't working out too well. I think my blog is feeling neglected. Sorry, blog.

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