September 1, 2009

Catching up

-I keep forgetting about my 101 things in 1,001 days list. I was pleasantly surprised that I have crossed several things off the list! All updates are made on the original list which can be found here.

-Blake and I are heading to Chattanooga for Labor Day weekend. We'll drive down Thursday night and head home sometime Monday. Blake is actually on call on Monday, but one of his co-workers said he might be able to cover for him. We'll know later this week, but I REALLY hope he can! I travel a lot, but it's not often that Blake gets to come with me. We're excited!

-The weekend after Labor Day, a local Mom's group is having a big consignment sale. I've signed up to have a booth in their "Mommy Mall" the day of the sale. I've been getting everything together the past few days and I'm anxious to see the final product! I won a 24"x30" canvas from my gallery wrap company and absolutely cannot wait for it to come in. It was great timing! This is the photo I had printed:

-I would really like to get back on a normal sleep schedule. It's 1:45am - I should be in bed!


Anonymous said...

When I saw that you had a new post for the first time in ages, I thought maybe you were announcing you're pregnant.... You guys are going to make very cute babies. Hopefully your first one will be a girl, so then she can be the three musketeers with E & Sophie.

(Here I am going on and on, and I don't even know if you want to have children?? You should; pretty people should procreate.)

Sarah Holland said...

I would love to hurry up and have a baby girl so she could be friends with Emma & Sophie! That would be so much fun!! But, we won't be having any for a few more years, if that. The thought of being a parent terrifies me! Haha.