September 4, 2009

Chattanooga sunset

Blake and I are in Chattanooga for the long holiday weekend. We were able to leave Thursday night and don't have to head home until Monday! Tonight we were driving around and ended up in a neighborhood that was up a little hill. (Blake said it was a mountain - ha!) When we turned around to head back to the house, this is what we saw:
Unfortunately, I left my camera in my aunt's car when we were shopping earlier in the day so the only camera I had with me was my cell phone. This picture doesn't even begin to do it justice! The sky was gorgeous pinks and oranges (and not nearly as blue as the photo makes it seem) as the sun was setting behind the mountains. It made me want to build a house in the exact spot we were so that I could see that gorgeousness (new word??) every night. *Sigh* I can dream, right? :)

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