January 19, 2009


I've been a blog slacker - again. Posting on the Project 365 blog takes much less thought (and typing!) so this blog kind of falls to the back burner. I'm really proud of myself for sticking with P365 so far! I only missed one day, and in my defense it was the day I drove from Florida to Tennessee by myself :)

Not much has been going on since I got home from Florida. Just catching up on laundry and cleaning. I've been in the mood to de-clutter and organize for some reason, so I'm trying to take advantage of that mood while it lasts! Its been easy to do since I have no desire to leave the house. It has been FREEZING! It was below zero a few days ago. Pure craziness. Tomorrow I'm going to try and brave the cold to make a trip to the post office - I've been putting it off and the pile has gotten rather large: 1 client order, 1 CD, 1 DVD, my quarterly business taxes and one very late Christmas present.

See? My life is boring. At least I have cute photos of Maggie to share :)

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