January 2, 2009

Project 365

For some reason I got the idea that I needed ANOTHER blog to try and remember to keep up with... we'll see how well I do!

Project 365 is making a goal to take at least one photo every day. I'm doing great so far! :) Click here to check it out, or click the link in the sidebar to the right. Instead of posting every day, I will probably just post once a week or so - but I am determined to take a photo every day! Being a photographer, I think a lot of times I miss family moments and memories because I'm too worried about the technical aspects of the photo. The past few months I've been trying to make a conscious effort to not worry about all of that and just capture the moment. I'm hoping this project will help with that!

I don't know what is up with me lately - I guess I'm just on a blogging kick.

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