November 2, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

I always forget that I started this blog... Here is an update just for Christa! :)

We were hoping to have already started travel tech at this point, but obviously that isn't the case. Blake signed up with a traveling company, got the ball rolling a little bit, and now his rep won't call him back. We aren't sure if she's just bad at her job or if that means that there aren't any traveling positions open right now. At this point, we aren't really worried about pushing the issue since its so close to the holidays and it would be a hard time to move. Oh well. 

Since we thought we would be gone by the end of October, I told the mom I nanny for that my last day would be October 16th. So... I am officially unemployed!! (Or retired, according to my Dad.) Either way, I'm loving it! I spent a few days in Michigan, next weekend I'll be going to TN for Lee's homecoming, and my house is much more clean! I was worried about needing to find a new job since we will be here a while longer, but Blake told me he didn't want me to get another job and I didn't argue :)

So, that's all that is going on with us. Blake took the day off on Friday so we have had a great long weekend just hanging around the house. Here are a few pictures from Halloween night. Maggie's first Halloween she was a fire hydrant and last year she was a lobster. This year Blake wouldn't let me get her a whole costume so she just wore a pumpkin t-shirt. 

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