Start Date: February 27, 2008
End Date: (Anyone want to do the math to figure out my end date??)
1. Sponsor a child through ‘All God’s Children’
2. Sign up with ‘Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep’
3. Do a photo session for my parents *Sort-of completed, we need to try again
4. Do a photo session for Blake’s parents
5. Second shoot at a wedding
6. Become a member of PPA *Completed
7. Attend a photography workshop/conference *Completed
8. Take Maggie to a training class
9. Go to the dentist and get up to date with fillings, etc
10. Eat at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse with Blake *Completed
11. Go to 3 states I’ve never been to before
12. Order samples from all the vendors I'm signed up with
13. Finish painting master bathroom *Completed
14. Get wedding photos & book from my wedding photographer *In progress
15. Paint (or hire someone to paint) the living room *Completed 5/7/09
16. Organize & de-clutter craft closet *Completed
17. Make a weekly dinner menu and stick to it *Completed
18. Make a budget and stick to it
19. Put one month of our salaries in savings
20. Pay off all credit cards *In progress
21. Fit back into my wedding dress *Completed 3/14/2008 (Needs to be completed again)
22. Vote *Completed 11/4/08
23. Sing in public
24. Blog once a day for a month (Professional or personal)
25. Twitter *Completed
26. Send 5 friends letters through snail-mail
27. Purchase “L” glass for my camera *I rented a lens, and wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be. This isn't such a high priority on my list anymore.
28. Get 5 stars on Guitar Hero in ‘hard’ mode *Completed
29. Go camping
30. Make & sell something on Etsy
31. Make a snow angel
32. Go to another Red Sox game *Completed Father's Day 2008
33. Go back to Chicago
34. Ride a horse
35. Create an ‘inspiration folder’ for magazine clippings (& throw out huge pile of old magazines)
36. Learn how to sew *Completed!
37. Take a photography class
38. Flatten my tummy
39. Take a road trip and stop along the way at cool places to take photos
40. Enter photos in a print competition *Completed
41. Visit Florida once a year *Completed
42. Get a massage
43. Go to a concert *Completed 4/18/2008 and 4/26/2008
44. Go skiing/snowboarding
45. Go on a picnic
46. Become CPR certified
47. Crochet a blanket
48. Become a member of a church
49. Switch from PC to Mac *Completed 9/2/2008
50. Watch a sunrise
51. Set up a recycling system *Completed 11/20/08
52. Go to a museum
53. Go to a zoo
54. See the penguins at the Tennessee Aquarium
55. Go on an out-of-state weekend getaway with Blake (TN & MI don’t count)
56. Buy a fish-eye lens
57. Organize the garage *Completed
58. Replace flooring in living room
59. Use power tools and don’t get hurt
60. Take Blake to the Strawberry Festival
61. Get headshots taken for the website *Sort of completed
62. Have new pictures taken of Blake & me *Completed 8/30/08
63. Go to Las Vegas
64. Make prints of personal photos on my computer and put into albums
65. Learn to drive stick-shift
66. Tile the kitchen backsplash
67. Learn to speak Spanish
68. Fit into size 8 jeans
69. Get a bigger Wacom tablet
70. Get tested for the Cystic Fibrosis gene
71. Mail in a postcard to Post Secret
72. Get Maggie professionally groomed
73. Cook breakfast on a weekday
74. Get a new cell phone *Completed
75. Get my teeth whitened
76. Grill a steak as good as Poppi
77. Make a homemade pie – crust and all
78. Go fishing
79. Do a ‘Trash the Dress’ photo session
80. Update my address book *Completed 11/22/08
81. Get a potted plant for the front porch and keep it alive for at least 3 months
82. Throw a party
83. Learn sign language
84. Tour Fenway Park
85. Purchase slideshow software *Completed 10/22/08 (Bonus - it was free!)
86. Move out of state
87. Learn how to play the guitar
88. Set up a display of photography in a local shop/boutique *In progress
89. Move into a bigger house
90. Read a classic literature book I haven’t read before
91. Try sushi
92. Finish this list! *Completed 5/1/2008
93. Re-design blog *Completed
94. See a Broadway show
95. Print & frame photos from Boston game *Completed 5/1/08
96. Organize master bedroom closet, dresser, etc. *Completed 4/12/08
97. Learn how to use my crock pot *Completed
98. Go bowling and score 175 or higher
99. Detail my car
100. Organize/re-design kitchen cabinets *Completed
101. Do an anonymous good deed